Growing thick skin and creating visibility

I had a studio visit recently with a director from a mid-tier gallery whose radar I've been trying to get on for years. During the visit, the director said she was so surprised that she never heard of me! That both she and the other director loved my work but were both wondering who I was as if I'd been hiding under a rock. While it was a nice compliment (in a way) it was also baffling after years of showing up at the gallery, signing the guest book, chatting with the person behind the desk, and not unsolicitedly submitting my work.

I'm realizing now that of course, they wouldn't know who I am. Most of my work toward visibility as an artist to the gallery world hasn't been enough. I've hoped the gram might help me out perhaps more than is realistic at this point and neglected developing new curator and gallery contacts in a real and intentional way. I have shown up, but not in a way that draws attention and I haven't stepped out to connect with those I want to - I've waited for them to make the first move. 

I can do more to gain visibility for myself as an artist and expand my network in more meaningful ways. Gallery directors and curators are busy! They are distracted by all the things they have going on. So figuring out how and when to try to connect with them has been something I've learned a lot about during this year of cold-calling. Ultimately, I've had to become a better advocate for myself and grow a thick skin. 

That's one of the reasons that I recommend artists apply to open calls. They are a way to keep your materials - like new images, your CV and statements - up to date, and also a way to keep getting better at how you present your work. I am so glad I have these items ready to go now that I'm starting to gain traction with people who are asking for them. They have also prepared me to comfortably talk about my work in a precise and clear way. Lastly, they help me get used to hearing "no" or nothing at all, and to not take it personally but keep at it. 

If open calls are something you want to pursue, you can read more about the Monthly Deadlines Subscription I offer below.  I also meet one-on-one with artists to plan, strategize, write statements, and get their ducks in a row for moving forward. I'm a working artist so my knowledge comes from being in the trenches with you! 

I'd also love to know your experience with creating visibility for yourself. Let me know!

Here's to more visibility,